3rd Kings Kids fundraiser Sunday morning after service
6th Youth fundraiser, Pastor is kidnapped
7th Adult computer skill classes given by Sis Adrianna
9th Bro Angel & Sis Vange begin Bible study for young adults
10th Daylight Saving Time begins, turn your clock ahead one hour Saturday night
MANDATORY meeting with all department heads, teachers, ushers, or anyone that has a position in the Church at 4p.m.
11th Spring Break begins
17th Begin taking candy donations for "Jesus is Alive"
18th Kids choir practice with Pastor Lucy begins at 5:30 to 6:30 Monday, Thursday and Friday.
21st Adult basic computer class
23rd Middle class outing
24th Women's fundraiser after service
27th Youth class, Passion of The Christ
28th Teachers meeting
31st Resurrection Sunday Skit "The Champion"
(no evening service)
1st Vanessa Juarez
3rd Angelica Damian
5th Melissa Trevino
6th Hiram Benitez
8th Jake Gomez
10th Paul Martinez
10th Elexis Hernandez
20th Joshua Lopez
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